Summer update – Aug 12, 2024
It is a Monday morning in August. I decided to write a quick post as I wait for the coffee to finish brewing. My clothes for the next two weeks are stacked and ready to be packed into my duffle bag. On the kitchen counter is a list of all of the food to be loaded into coolers, Some items are downsized in the fridge to better fit in the cooler and the small RV fridge (butter, parmesan cheese, cottage cheese, etc). Everything costs more “up north” and comes in family size portions, so we take as much as we can. The 30-gallon Water Buffalo is is full and in the bed of the truck. Clean sheets and towels are loaded.
I have spent the last couple of days doing food prep, laundry, packing and fitting in my last strength training session at the gym, for a couple of weeks. It’s been a busy summer filled with many family events. We have spent as much time as possible camping at our northern outpost. Two weeks is approximately our maximum amount of time. We come home for a week to do laundry, take care of the house, etc. We have been planning that around family events and an occasional doctor or dentist appointment.
While I have plenty of time to work on my blog while camping, I have not worked hard enough to find a solution for charging my laptop battery. Our limited generator use has been sufficient for charging phones and tablets. We run the generator to use Dave’s laptop to pay bills, etc., but not enough to spend an hour or more blogging.
I’d better finish packing, now. Just checking in to let you know, I have not discontinued this blog.